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  • XENOSCAPE – Character Sheet


    XENOSCAPE – Character Sheet

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  • Cover Quickstart

    XENOSCAPE – Quickstart


    XENOSCAPE – Quickstart


    Sentient Beings, your struggle to survive begins from this quickstart!

    You are about to land on Materia, a world where the memory of human civilization has now faded, a green world filled by radioactive deserts and forests of crystal, populated by lethal and bizarre creatures. Civilization has regressed to bartering, writing is prohibited and the only thing that matters is to survive to fight another day.

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    👽 XENOSCAPE Quickstart (PDF) is a digital file of 90 pages

    👽 XENOSCAPE Quickstart (printed) includes the physical copy of the quickstart and the digital version in a 90-page .PDF file

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  • XENOSCAPE – Pregenerated PCs


    XENOSCAPE – Pregenerated PCs


    EvadamKt’ KtMasvindaNamaarPlasmotarr and Servo they’re just sentient beings on the ruthless Materia, different life forms that have learned to coexist as a tribe and that you can use to immediately enter the world of XENOSCAPE.

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    XENOSCAPE is a survival-based post-sci-fi RPG with primitive and techno-fantasy shades at the same time.

    The setting

    Players will be able to take on the role of sentient beings, among the rarest creatures on Materia, an alien world immersed in a time far away from ours. Nature has now completely regained possession of the world that was heavily colonized by the parasitic hand of the Ancient Human Empire, of which today only a few sad remains remain submerged by a magnificent and terrible biosphere, where mammoth creatures and alien to any biological form live existing today.

    There is no trace of civilization, there is no coinage and bartering is the only form of universal trade; the few sentient species help each other as best they can hoping to survive day by day in groups of caravans or by creating small nomadic concentrations.
    The Law of the Living is the only tradition known and handed down far and wide for millennia: it guarantees the development and respect for Nature and all living species: among its precepts the most important one stands out, namely the absolute prohibition of diffusion of writing, considered the true cause of the decay of the past civilization.
    Beings of extreme biology and endowed with fantastic but scientifically plausible abilities populate the planet, generating in the players a continuous sense of discovery and danger.

    The Mechanics


    XENOSCAPE is a completely original title, from its definition of setting to the regulation tools used to manage storytelling activities.

    The XENOSCAPE system is original and has been designed to simulate the functioning of a biological organism. In fact, it is based on a resource management system, precious and fundamental for survival, but also necessary for carrying out notable feats. These resources will represent the energy, immune defenses and nervous system of the characters and can be recovered with rest and, of course, through nutrition, another essential focus of the game.

    XENOSCAPE uses six-sided dice, specifically 6mm d6, but which must not be thrown, but used as a scoreboard to be placed on the board to indicate temporary changes in scores. Trials and fights must be managed with prudent strategy and with the correct management of resources, rather than being resolved thanks to a fortuitous roll of the die.

    Questions about the game? Do you want to find people to play with? 

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  • Adventure – Attack of the Titan


    Adventure – Attack of the Titan


    The Attack of the Titan is the ideal continuation of Xenoscape Quickstart and includes a new original adventure written by Valentino Sergi from Officina Meningi.

    Inside you can find new creatures like the Oneirophage Manta, the Megalithovore or try to trap the Pneumocephali!

    Are you ready to discover the secrets of Materia?
    XENOSCAPE is waiting for you!
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  • Text of Legends


    Text of Legends


    Sentient beings, are you ready to fight to survive?

    This digital book is focused on other authors and their vision so you will find new adventures, new PCs, new stories, NPCs, scenarios and many interesting things!

    Let’s take a closer look, The Text of Legends contains original stories that will let you know and discover new aspects of Materia:

    •  MOTHER, an adventure by Tommaso De Benetti 
    •  EVOHACK, a hack on inter-species communication by Chad Walker 
    •  SINTONIA, an adventure by Claudio SerenaRoberto Diglio, and Lorenzo Canali 
    •  THE CELESTIAL CITY, a setting by Mauro Longo 
    •  MYOSOTIS, a tale by Adriano Bompani
    •  THE DOOM OF THE NYMPHS, an adventure by Simone Morini
    •  X’TARAT, a complete character by Mike Dedwan
    •  MINEWORLD, an adventure by Alessandro Rivaroli

    The Text of LEGENDS if fully compatible with XENOSCAPE

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  • XENOSCAPE – NPC sheet


    XENOSCAPE – NPC sheet


    Sentient Beings, welcome to Materia, this NPC sheet will help the Narrator track every NPC.

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  • The Narrator Screen – XENOSCAPE


    The Narrator Screen – XENOSCAPE


    What you will find

    The XENOSCAPE Narrator Screen has a Materia landscape illustration on the front and, on the back:

    Left: Check, Combat, Damage

    Center: Contitions

    Right: Dream Table

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  • XENOSCAPE – Resources Card


    XENOSCAPE – Resources Card


    The XENOSCAPE card set is used to represent the economic system based on barter widely spread on Materia; so players can trade cards with each other and keep track of their belongings.

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